
The Beginning

Week 12

  On this weeks learning of social media design there were many extra credit assignments that included many information about the Artificial intelligence and how social media really works. First we went over all the great depths of Facebook, and creating a Facebook account. We also went over the marketing tools of Facebook and how to use Facebook as a main social media source. In social media it is known that algorithms exist and social media is primary ran by algorithm. In this week I learned a lot about the algorithms and why they are used. I didn't really think there were so many details about social media and how its just one big scheme. It can either control you or you can control social media. The meta verse was also a big piece of knowledge I had to take in. I always knew about the meta verse but not how advanced it is to this day and creating and expanding hobbies for others to use of social media. Another big learning advice I got were about the analytics of Facebook and m

Week 10