Week 3

 Learning the basics of Canva 

Effective Social Media Marketing Tools 2020 - Tribulant Blog

                This week we went over the many great things Canva has to offer. I was learning a lot about publishing and or designing certain posts to have fun with. I was enjoying this week's lectures on the many videos describing the many options Canva has to offer. Every week I am finding out many new details and options social media have to offer. In this week's assignment, we got the chance to create our own very logo or business logo. I never really felt so excited to really do anything on social media, but creating my own logo was something I was excited about. It got me to think really heavily about my logo and to create a logo that would match with my audience or be similar to my banner. Another big assignment we worked on was to create our own banner. This week helped me utilize many new tools and helped me understand that social media design always starts with a logo and a word. I felt like I was all over the place keeping folders, messages etc organized. This week helped me create many different folders and guided me on ways to take short cuts with social media. We also learned about many social media across the country, such as social media in Ohio. This week I also learned about the power social media have over people and how differently around the world people handle situations like the media. Every week I am more excited and ready to learn more tools about social media and the many news about the media. 
