Week 4


Man of La Mancha Poster | Theatre Artwork & Promotional Material by Subplot  Studio

This week I learned a lot about how to create posters and more specifically about the play " Man of La Mancha". We covered the majority of how to create our own rough drafts, which were posters. This allowed me to open my creativity and sit down to think up what I could create in my own design to attract the audience.   Also, watching the play opened my imagination to certain moods and the acting of personalities. I understood the purpose of trying to grab a specific audience. While creating the many rough drafts, I understood that the post should always include the grabber such as a photo or design that correlates to the theme of the play. I also discovered what a creative brief was and what you should include in your creative brief about your poster. With a creative brief, it gives you a big opportunity to go on about your poster and what the play or movie consists of to drive the target audience. 
