Week 2

 The Continuation of Social Media Design 

The continuation of my knowledge of social media continues to expand every week. For this week's lesson, I have been getting used to and playing around with the app LinkedIn. It is almost close to, indeed, the app you would use to explore jobs. I didn't really realize how much you could do with LinkedIn and how useful the material can be used. I continued to put somewhat personal information just to give a summary about myself. I put in my education, my workplace and all sorts of skills I have for the working community. I also included a professional photo of myself as well as including a header that I feel describes my motivation. With all this information, I do hope I can get some company owners to reach out to me for even just as little as some advice. With social media design, I have been feeling as if I am getting more comfortable with social media such as blogs, resumes and many more. At the beginning of creating my blog, I am going to be honest, I did not have much patience and I felt like I had no clue what I was doing, even after the tutorials and many videos with tons of details. I've learned that patience is a big thing to do for blogs and social media design itself. I continue to work on my patience and make sure to not only double check but triple check my content. This platform has been teaching me a lot and making me realize that there are a lot of people out there that are willing to use their time to hear you out. With this platform, I feel better and getting used to expressing myself on the internet. I am looking forward to all the lectures and great videos that will help all of the class learn new things for our bright futures.
